Want to Maximize AEP 2024? Do These 4 Things Now

Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period is winding down. Here’s how to make a compelling final pitch to your leads and clients.
1 Dec 2023

Want to Maximize AEP 2024? Do These 4 Things Now

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Leaves are falling, temperatures are dropping, and that can only mean one thing: Medicare’s 2024 Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is in full swing. This yearly event is highlighted on the calendars of Medicare insurance professionals across the country, and for good reason.

AEP is one of the most significant Medicare plan enrollment selling opportunities of the year. During this time, your role is to help beneficiaries assess the quality of their current Medicare coverage. If they’d like to make a change, this is the time to match them with a new plan better suited to their health needs.

What to do during the final week of AEP 2024

With AEP 2024 wrapping up on December 7, what can you do to maximize the final week of this important selling window? Here are four tips to help you reach more seniors before AEP ends.

1. Make sure your clients are happy

When was the last time you checked in with your clients? During AEP, you should proactively interact with them quite a bit. Ask questions and have an honest, personal conversation with each of your clients to learn if they’re satisfied with their Medicare plan. 

So pick up the phone and start dialing. When you talk to your clients, simply ask, “Are you happy with your current Medicare plan?”

If the answer is yes, fantastic! But if a client shares that their plan is falling short in some way, you have the opportunity to be of service. Explain that now’s the time to make important changes to their Medicare coverage—and remind them you’re the agent who’s ready to help.

2. Reach out to your prospects

We just covered the importance of working with your existing Medicare clients during AEP. While maintaining open lines of communication with the seniors you serve is a worthwhile strategy, there’s still more to do.

Start by going back to your lead list and identifying some warm prospects who are likely to take advantage of your services. Share your sincere interest in what the senior likes and doesn’t like about their current Medicare plan. These details should give you valuable insights about what potential plan changes they might want to make.

Then fill the gap by offering a few recommendations for how you can improve their coverage during AEP. Seniors appreciate a thoughtful, informed approach when addressing their healthcare requirements. So be the agent who takes time to care!

3. Purchase new leads

If you’re running low on fresh leads, don’t worry! With one week of AEP to go, there’s not much time to organically collect prospects. But buying leads is an excellent alternative!

Working with a reputable lead generation company is a well-established strategy to grow your business. There are well-established rules for buying lists, so always follow the CMS guidelines for advertising, marketing and purchasing leads. A legitimate company will help you connect with qualified prospects who are ready to buy a Medicare plan, but you are responsible for verifying the consumer consent documentation.

Maximize your efficiency by creating a script to keep your calls focused and concise. Even though the list you purchase will be prospects who’ve indicated their interest in receiving information about Medicare, you still might need to make several phone calls before making a sale. 

4. Send one last email

If reaching out by phone isn’t for you, email works too! Sending out a final email blast to current clients, hot prospects and purchased leads can generate last-minute business during the final week of AEP.

Take the time to create custom messages for each group you reach out to. For example, don’t market to a current client the same way you would to a purchased lead. Regardless of who you’re emailing, a personalized approach is an effective way to show your clients they are unique and special.

For questions about maximizing sales during AEP or for more information on our weekly in-person events, contact us today.


image credit: shutterstock/Pra Chid