How to Streamline Medicare Compliance Call Recording

Here’s how to choose the best Medicare compliance call recording tool for you!
medicare compliance call recording
1 Nov 2022

How to Streamline Medicare Compliance Call Recording

When providing health insurance to seniors, compliance is a top priority. Medicare now requires call recording from insurance agents, and integrating this requirement seamlessly into your interactions with clients is key. 

We know that switching from in-person to phone consultations has already changed plenty for you. But with our help, the new Medicare compliance call recording regulations don’t have to be another difficult transition. For agents who want an easier compliance experience, there are tools available to assist with call recording, and we’re offering new technology to help with this requirement. 

Do I need to record my Medicare calls?

The short answer is yes. 

Insurance is complicated, and miscommunications between Medicare agents and eligible seniors can happen. For this reason, CMS introduced a new requirement for agents to start recording their phone calls as of October 1, 2022. 

This new rule now impacts independent agents and third-party marketing organizations (TPMOs) alike. So, if you’re enrolling a senior in Medicare, you need to press that record button! 

What should I look for in a recording tool? 

So, you know you need a tool to record your Medicare insurance calls, but what features do you want? You have to follow the CMS guidance, but the system should also help you serve your clients even better than you already do. And, if you use a cell phone for your client communication, recording your calls may not be as simple as on a landline. Finding a recording tool that satisfies all these requirements isn’t easy!

You want a tool that: 

  • Provides explicit disclaimers. The CMS disclaimer should be communicated automatically. 
  • Helps provide accurate information. A series of prompts can remind you to cover all the most important material.
  • Promotes client understanding. Reiterate key takeaways and record the client confirming they understood everything you said. 

Fortunately, we’ve identified and are providing our contracted agents with a tool to capture Medicare call recordings. 

Financial Grade can help with Medicare compliance call recording

The recording tool works for both inbound and outbound calls. This means you can call a client for shopping, scope of appointment, enrollment and plan comparison appointments.

For an enrollment appointment, you can also email or text the beneficiary a link so they can call you. 

How does recording work? 

The method you use to connect with your clients will be the only difference between calls that are recorded and calls that are not. No other aspect of how you conduct your appointments will change. Once the connection is made, the recording automatically starts, and your time with your client proceeds as usual. 

The process is simple: 

  1. Connect with your client using the Financial Grade tool. 
  2. Conduct your appointment, with call recording information clearly displayed in the sidebar.
  3. The recorded call is linked with the beneficiary profile.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully recorded your call and achieved compliance with the latest guidance from CMS.

What if I need support using the tool? 

We get it! New technology can be challenging. When you contract with Financial Grade, you immediately have access to our training and webinars that will get you up to speed and in compliance.

To learn more about this new call recording tool, contact us today!


image credit: shutterstock/ninefotostudio