Pandemic Predictions: Why 2021 Could Be Your Best Year Yet
As we enter the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are wondering whether the changes in the past year are here to stay. What are your pandemic predictions? Will we wear masks for another year? What about doing business in person? When will everyone be vaccinated?
No one knows the answers to these questions. But most signs are pointing to 2021 being a significant improvement over 2020. We learned a lot of important lessons in 2020, and our future will certainly be shaped by the past.
Last year stretched us in many ways and forced us to catch up on innovations in a few key areas. Yes, your business will still operate in a slightly different fashion this year. But these changes could ultimately be for the better. Keep these things in mind as you’re planning the year ahead.
COVID precautions are still important
The very best precaution you can take against the virus is getting the vaccine as soon as you’re eligible. This is the most effective way to protect you and your clients. And you should encourage the seniors you work with to do the same!
But vaccine or not, basic precautions will remain crucial in 2021. Although every vaccine available has demonstrated 100% efficacy to prevent severe illness and death, medical professionals are still unsure whether vaccinated persons can transmit the virus.
Since vaccinated transmission hasn’t been ruled out as a possibility, we still need to protect ourselves and everyone we meet. Wearing a mask, maintaining six feet of social distance and frequently washing our hands—and following any new recommendations from the CDC—will help keep us healthy. Even though these precautions can be cumbersome, staying the course and sticking to these recommendations will bring an end to the pandemic more quickly.
Digital tools are here to stay
One of the biggest lessons you learned in 2020 was about the many online tools at your disposal to stay in touch with your clients. These tools have enabled millions—across countless business sectors—to continue (almost) business-as-usual in the face of a global crisis.
Zoom is a great example of a communications tool you probably used quite a bit this year. Love it or hate it, Zoom is an effective way to talk to clients. Anyone can easily access Zoom on a PC, Mac, Android or iPhone. All you need is an internet connection and a little instruction. We discussed how to use this tool with your beneficiaries in this article.
Also in 2020, Financial Grade introduced a tool called (MSIQ). The site streamlines your quoting and enrollment process! Learn more about how to use this valuable tool to transform your business by checking out this article.
Embrace transformation
These and the other digital business tools we started using in 2020 have forever changed the way we work. No matter how much you may like (or dislike) these changes, there’s no denying the overall positive impact they can have on your bottom line. In the past, you were limited by geography and how fast your car could get you to and from appointments. Now you can work from anywhere with anyone. With all that reclaimed time, you can double the number of appointments you can schedule!
MSIQ is an exceptionally valuable tool that can position you to exponentially increase your sales. You’ll be quoting the right plan the first time and allowing your clients to self-enroll. MSIQ could save you hours each week, on enrollment paperwork alone, when used properly.
Business has changed a lot since last year, but we like to think these changes are for the best. So stay safe, engage technology, and watch your business grow in 2021.
image credit: shutterstock/ezphoto